Monday, November 12, 2007

...>.<...A Letter for My Character....>.<....

My favorite character in "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets" is: Hermione Granger.

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My opinion about Hermione:
  • Hermione was very smart and beautiful. She seemed to be the best intelligent witch in comparison with her age. Although she had Muggles' blood, her demonstration showed that she was a real witch. She read almost Wizard's books. With her ability, Harry and Ron was escaped many times in whole " Harry Potter". Hermione was like Harry and Ron. She had a brave heart, fought for the right things and protected for weak people. She's ready to do anything for her best friends.
  • However, person always has good points and bad points. Hermione, too. She was intelligent, active and scholarly. Because of that dominations, Hermione usually indicated she was the best and forgot people around her. Therefore, the other witches rarely like her. On the other hand, since the year 2 of " Harry Potter", Hermione changed herself a lot in a good way. She didn't try to show she always knows everything. She learned how to respect people around her.
  • Even though characters in "Harry Potter" were unreal, their lessons taught us about the real world, "The human world". They also taught us about noble things in our lives such as the love of family, the highness of friendship and the fight for truth. Therefore, I really love reading "Harry Potter".
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A letter for Hermione:

Dear Hermione,
I'm Nhi who admire you a lot because your personality and talent are outstanding in "Harry Potter". Even though, sometimes your ways to show your ability make people around you feel uncomfortable, that doesn't mean to negate your talent. In most of difficult cases that Harry got were solved by you. Your cleverness are an extraordinary thing with anyone who was in the same age with you. In addition, bravery, frankness and charity that are your good behavior rarely appear in many people. However, you have some weak points that need to repair. It's said sometimes the strength is the weakness. Your intelligence usually makes you pride and that's a problem. Trying to show yourself unnecessary will make people feel fretful. Don't be over pride. If you can do that, you're perfect. When I have read "Harry Potter", you have had some action that you created from your self-depreciation. That will make you regretful when your action was wrong. Hermione, you have both precious gifts from God. This is cleverness and beauty, so you don't have to do something to be satisfiable yourself. In conclusion, you're always my most favorite character in "Harry Potter" for you know how to develop your strength and repair your mistake. I appreciate it. Hopefully, you'll do well anything in your life.

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Novel: "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrects"

After Harry and the Weasleys bought books and some other equipments for the 2nd year. they went to the Hogwarts Express in platform 9 and 3/4 . However, the gateway was closed unusually, so Harry and Ron couldn't go through the wall to take the train. Ron decided to drive his father's flying-car to go to school with Harry on the Muggles' sky. They arrived on a large tree in front of Hogwarts and that tree was attacking them. The strange tree was the Whomping Willow. Because of that accident, they almost would be expelled. Fortunate, thank to Professor Dumbledore, they didn't be expelled. And then, Harry and Ron met Hermione in front of the portrait " Fat Lady", which is seemed the key to go inside the Gryffindor. The next day, in the Gryffindor's breakfast, Ron received a red envelope-howler from his mother. It was terrible with Ron. Next, they learned about the Mandrake which is used to return people who were cursed or petrified; and the cry of them could make someone who heard it will be fatal. Furthermore, Harry and the Quidditch team seemed very busy with lots of practices before "Quidditch Match". They made friend with a poor girl whose name is Myrtle was died on the girl's bathroom in 1st floor. While Harry, Ron and Hermione were talking with Nearly Headless Nick, Harry was hearing a strange voice that Ron and Hermione couldn't hear. It said that "......kill.......time to kill......". Harry told Ron and Hermione to follow the voice but they misunderstood Harry because they couldn't hear any strange voice. No one could hear it except Harry. When they run through the Great Hall to go to the corridor, they saw Mrs Norris, who was the caretaker's cat of Mr Filch, was hanging by her tail. She was stiff like a statue and her eyes were wide and staring. In addition, in the wall, " THE CHAMBER OF SECRETS HAS BEEN OPENED. ENEMIES OF THE HEIR, BEWARE" was written by blood. At that time, almost students of Hogwarts and professors were coming the corridor. Mr Filch was very angry when he saw his cat was stiff. He thought Harry and his friends did it, he wanted Professor Dumbledore to expel them. However, Dumbledore seemed to know what had happened. Since the unusual warning that was written by blood appeared, Hogwarts had lots of rumors.

My opinion:
I think this chapters that I summarized are very attractive. Although I used to watch that movie, reading Harry Potter is more excited that watching TV. Because the real story in book has more details than the movie. Also, that makes my reading skill be improved. Right now, I'm trying to get what will happen in the next chapters ( I forgot almost the movie for I just understood about 3o% of the movie). In addition, I felt sad and compassionate about the poor death of Myrtle in the girl's bathroom in 1st floor. Everyone always call her " Fat Myrtle, Moaning Myrtle", and she took an appealing death in a restroom.

I read on : 148 pages.